Cow Ghee vs Royal Brown Ghee
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A2 Cow Ghee Vs Royal Brown Ghee

Cow Ghee vs Royal Brown Ghee – Ghee is widely used in ayurveda system of medicine as mediums to administer herbal preparations. Herbs, pastes of herbs or decoction of herbs are infused in ghee and later administered to patients after diagnosing the conditions and diseases.

Note: Royal Brown Ghee is named by GheeStore, which is today used as most popular term to describe buffalo ghee.

Cow’s ghee has following properties:

  • It increases intelligence
  • Helps in enhancing memory power
  • Increases quality and quantity of semen
  • Rejuvenates the skin from inside and increases its glow
  • Boosts body energy
  • Detoxifies body
  • Normalizes vata. (Imbalance of vata causes diseases)
  • Increases clarity of voice
  • Normalizes pitta
  • Nourishes the body
  • Improves digestion and increases body fire
  • It is very effective in disorders of eye
  • Acts as a good Rasayana
  • It is the best form of fat

Buffalo’s ghee has following properties:

  • Strengthens the body
  • Makes you feel healthy
  • Increases fairness and glow of skin
  • Normalizes kapha and vata
  • It is very effective in piles (hemorrhoids), IBS
  • It is used in disorders of eye

Among these two, ghee prepared out of cow’s milk is considered to have more medicinal properties. Freshly prepared ghee is very effective and useful.
The ghee which has been kept for 10 years is called as “PURANA GHRITA”. It is widely used in treating epilepsy and other neurological disorders.

The ghee which has been stored for more than 100 years is called as “KUMBHA SARPI”. The ghee which is stored more than 100 years is called as “MAHAGHRITA”. Mahaghrita is used in chronic cough and disorders of eye,

The ghee should not be administered in tuberculosis, upper respiratory tract infections and bronchitis when mucous secretion is more, indigestion, constipation, fever and diabetes.

Ghee and cholesterol

Indian country cow Ghee reduces cholesterol, does not build it. This is an experience on several Cardio-Vascular-Disease (CVD) patients. One of them very recently completed 21 km Marathon non-stop in Mumbai, in a slow jogging mood and is now considering going to Himalayan Treks. Cow ghee is also used in Cancer Camps, where all types of secondary cancer patients are being treated by PanchGavya medicines.

Of course the ability of ghee in reducing cholesterol may differ depending on the type of cow and her diet. In some Goushalas experiments are in progress to study correlation between cow diet and resulting PanchaGavya medicines. Different cow breeds have slightly different properties.

In ayurveda, several medicines are prepared by boiling butter along with fresh herbs/herbal powders/extracts since ghee squeezes out all the medicinal properties of herbs, almost equivalent to taking the fresh juice of the herb.

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Ghee dose should typically be 1-2 tsp. in every meal, unless directed otherwise by physician. Hope you liked this article about Cow Ghee vs Royal Brown Ghee.